The House of the Scorpion Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Hints had been as thick as fireflies in the courtyard garden. They brightened with promise. They stayed alight almost long enough to show Matt what they were. But then, like the fireflies, they vanished. Tam Lin and Celia were far too careful. (19.37)

Careful about what? We're dying to know. But of course, El Patrón's always watching, so we won't find out until the last possible second.

Quote #5

"You're exactly like Tam Lin," said María. "He says El Patrón is like a force of nature - a tornado or volcano or something. He says you can't help being awestruck even when you might get killed. I think it's all rubbish!" (22.25)

María's disgust with El Patrón makes sense to us. We have trouble understanding his appeal at times. Out of all the characters in the book, María is the least swayed by power.

Quote #6

"Arsenic creeps into the whole body," Celia went on, her eyes as cold as the eyes of a snake. "It grows into the hair, it makes little white lines in the fingernails, it settles into the heart." (23.55)

The build-up of tension in this chapter make it one of our favorites. Celia really shines here as she unleashes all her anger at El Patrón and gives him the biggest shock of his life. If anyone has the power in this scene, it's Celia.