The House on Mango Street Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Down, down Mango Street we go. Rachel, Lucy, me. Our new bicycle. Laughing the crooked ride back. (6.24)

For once, Esperanza doesn't seem lonely – the picture of her on a bicycle with Lucy and Rachel evokes a sense of real friendship.

Quote #5

Is a good girl, my friend, studies all night and sees the mice, the ones her father says do not exist. Is afraid of nothing except four-legged fur. And fathers. (14.2)

Esperanza's friendship with Alicia seems based on a sense of real admiration for Alicia's bravery and ambition.

Quote #6

My mama? You better not be saying that, Lucy Guerrero. You better not be talking like that…else you can say goodbye to being my friend forever. (16.30)

Just as easily as they're formed, Esperanza's friendships with her childhood friends can be easily broken. Esperanza acknowledges at the end of this chapter that she and her friends are "stupid" for fighting.