Howards End Chapter 28 Summary

  • Margaret spends hours thinking over everything that's happened, then writes a bunch of letters.
  • The first is to Henry; she writes it instinctively, saying that everything will be fine between them, then edits it according to his taste. He's clearly changed her.
  • Margaret then reevaluates, and wonders if she really can deal with the fact that Mr. Wilcox had an affair with Jacky. She tears up the letter she just wrote.
  • Next, she writes a brief note to Leonard, saying that Mr. Wilcox can't get him a job.
  • She also writes a letter to Helen, telling her that they found Jacky drunk, and that the Basts are not worth her while – she should ditch them, and come to stay with the Wilcoxes at the house.
  • Margaret feels like she's handling the matters in a practical fashion. She delivers the letters to the hotel herself, and sees Helen watching her through the window.
  • She goes to inform Henry of what she's done, telling him that Helen is coming to spend the night.
  • They act like nothing's happened, but obviously, something important has.
  • Margaret tries to decide if she can stay with Henry or not. She goes back and forth between anger and pity – and ultimately decides to forgive him.