Hush, Hush The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

'You belong to the biblical race of Nephilim. Your real father was an angel who fell from heaven. You're half mortal [.] [h]alf fallen angel.'

Chauncey's tutor's voice drifted up from the recesses of his mind, reading passages from the Bible, telling of a deviant race created when angels cast from heaven mated with mortal women. A fearsome and powerful race. (P.26-27)

We learn from the prologue that we're not just dealing with mere mortals here—there will be angels, fallen angels, and Nephilim in the mix, too. This passage gives us an introduction to the mythology the book will build on.

Quote #2

The truth was, I never felt completely alone. Right after my dad was shot to death in Portland while buying my mom's birthday gift, a strange presence entered my life. Like someone was orbiting my world, watching from a distance. At first the phantom presence creeped me out, but when nothing bad came of it, my anxiety lost its edge. I started wondering if there was a cosmic purpose for the way I was feeling. Maybe my dad's spirit was close by. The thought was usually comforting. But tonight was different. The presence felt like ice on the skin. (2.113)

Nora hasn't had any real contact with the supernatural yet (that she knows of), but her acceptance of the intangible presence primes the atmosphere and her character for interaction with the supernatural.

Quote #3

Five minutes ago, the window was smashed out and the door was bowed. Looking at the car now, it seemed impossible. No, it seemed crazy. But I saw his fist punch through the glass, and I felt his fingernails bite into my shoulder.

Hadn't I?

The harder I tried to recall the crash, the more I couldn't. Little blips of missing cut across my memory. The details were fading. Was he tall? Short? Thin? Bulky? Had he said anything?
I couldn't remember and that was the most frightening part. (4.26-28)

In the book, fallen angels and Nephilim have the ability to warp people's minds and perceptions of what is actually going on. The guy in the ski mask, whom we later find out is actually Jules, makes Nora think he is only attacking the car. Freaky.