Hush, Hush Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Mysterious bad boy type characters pop up all over the place in YA literature, but it's more common to think of werewolves or vampires when it comes to fantastical bad boys. Does the choice to make Patch an angel add any new layers to the bad boy character in this book compared to others?
  2. How does Nora compare to the female protagonists of other contemporary or classic lit? Pick two of your favorites and dig in.
  3. Hush, Hush is the first book in a quartet. Which storylines are solidly concluded in this book? Which plot points, conflicts, and relationships seem like they will get more development in the other books?
  4. While Hush, Hush has been very popular, it is also a book people love to hate. One blogger starts a review with the disclaimer "The following review will contain screaming, yelling, griping, whining, and spoilers along with much ranting" (source). What is it about the book that stokes such strong reactions? Are you in the love-it camp, hate-it camp, or love-to-hate-it camp? If you are in the hate-it or love-to-hate it camp, are books like this valuable to read and study because of the strong feelings they provoke, even if those feelings are negative?
  5. Which actors would you pick to star in a movie version of the book?