I Am the Cheese Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They've been lying to me, he thought with horror. All my life, they've been lying to me... (13.26)

Adam's thoughts are expressed throughout this book, but not usually in italics. What effect do the italics have here?

Quote #5

"Do you think we'd lie?" the woman asks, sniffling again.

"Now, Edna," the man says. (21.43-44)

There is something particularly creepy about this interaction. This is the first time we see someone on Adam's bike ride explicitly talk about lies and deceit. Perhaps we are starting to see the two narratives meld together.

Quote #6

There was nothing to be suspicious about, until I became suspicious of everything. (22.1)

This statement shows the strange workings of deceit. When you're trusting, you think no one would possibly lie to you or hide something from you. But the moment you realize something is amiss, everything starts to look like a possible lie. There seems to be no middle ground for Adam.