I Am the Cheese Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was in a panic. I was in a panic because I'm not built for subterfuge and deception. I sat there feeling terrible, ashamed of myself for spying on my parents. (22.17)

Which is worse for Adam, lying or being lied to?

Quote #8

A: He said if I was ever questioned about certain topics, certain information, I couldn't possibly give away the information if I didn't have it to begin with. He said I'd be able to pass the lie-detector tests or any other tests. In other words, I could always tell the truth, even if some fancy truth serums were used, and I'd never betray anything.
T: What do you think you would have betrayed?
(6-second interval)
A: That's a funny question. (23.6)

Did Adam's dad withhold some of the truth from him in order to protect Adam? Or in order to protect the information itself? And what is funny about this question anyway?

Quote #9

How you can be intimate with people, live with them twenty-four hours a day and not really know them. He was amazed at the deceptions that had been carried on by his parents through the years. (25.17)

Adam never seems to be angry with his parents for lying to him his whole life. Even here he is "amazed" at the lies, a word that doesn't necessarily imply any negative feelings.