I measure every Grief I meet Resources



Famous poets always get their day in the sun on this site.

Museum-goers Rejoice

For all things Dickinson, take a dive into her life in her very own museum.

Every Emily Poem Under the Sun

Read 'em and weep.


He's Ready for His Close-Up

Because you didn't know how much you needed to hear this poem from an old guy in an aloha shirt until now.


Rare Dickinson Photo

Supposedly one of only two known Dickinson photographs, this picture was discovered in 2000…on eBay.

Young Emily

A drawing of Emily Dickinson at age nine, sporting a rather mod haircut.

Dickinson's Grave

It's morbid, sure, but we have a feeling Em would approve.

Historical Documents

A Handwritten Version of "There came a day at Summer's full"

Gorgeous penmanship, don't you think?

Dickinson's Fascicles

And no, that's not a body part. Here's what Dickinson's bound groups of poems (fascicles) look like. She used to make these herself, in an early form of self-publishing.