Choices Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Did Mom and Dad decide? (14.14)

It's unlikely that Mom and Dad got to decide, because their end was so violent. They probably wouldn't have chosen such an awful way to go.

Quote #8

Why can't someone else decide this for me? Why can't I get a death proxy? (14.16)

Choosing between life and death is a hard one for Mia, but would she really want someone else to decide it for her? Her parents did not get a choice.

Quote #9

"Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you." (14.78)

This is sage wisdom from Dad, and it can be applied to every choice Mia makes (or doesn't make) in the book. Life vs. death. Adam vs. music. Chocolate vs. peanut butter. Which choices does she make, and which choices make her?