Captain Steve Hiller (Will Smith)’s Timeline and Summary

Captain Steve Hiller (Will Smith)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Steve thinks he's about to have a relaxing 4th of July weekend with his girlfriend Jasmine and her son, Dylan.
  • Not so fast. Alien spaceships are hovering over Earth, and so Steve (who's a Marine pilot) gets called back to lend a hand.
  • Steve helps fight the aliens. When he has to eject from his plane to avoid getting killed, he trudges across the desert (with an alien body in tow) to find a secret military base he spotted from his plane.
  • He ends up hitching a ride part of the way with a convoy that includes Russ and his kids.
  • When he arrives at what we find out is Area 51, he steals a helicopter and goes looking for Jasmine and Dylan. He finds them nursing the First Lady in the rubble of the attacks outside of L.A. and brings them back to the base with him.
  • Then, he gets involved in David's scheme to fly up to the aliens' mother ship and deliver a computer virus that disables all the ships' shields.
  • Before heading up on that uber dangerous mission, though, he decides to marry Jasmine.
  • Steve and David complete the mission successfully, and they arrive back heroes.