Inkheart Literature and Writing Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

For Meggie had a plan: She wanted to learn to make up stories like Fenoglio. She wanted to learn to fish for words so that she could read aloud to her mother without worrying about who might come out of the stories and look at her with homesick eyes. So Meggie decided words would be her trade. (59.27)

People become writers for different reasons, and Meggie's reason seems particularly legit: she wants to be able to relate to her family by reading aloud to them as a show of love. But given the gift she inherited from her dad, that's a big no-no unless she's reading things like super-abstract poetry. So she decides to become a writer so that she can fashion her own stories, and make them safe to read aloud. It's a nice goal, and we wish her luck, because (if you haven't figured this out already), writing is hard work.