Interpreter of Maladies Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Is there a reason why the stories are ordered a certain way in this collection? Why, for example, is the title story the third story in the book and not the first, middle, or last story?
  2. What does it mean to be an Interpreter of Maladies? What are the illnesses in the book and why do they need interpretation when the book's written in English?
  3. All these stories take place either in India or someplace in New England. What's up with that? Why the focus, especially, on New England?
  4. Why do you think most of these stories are kind of depressing? What's the point?
  5. Okay, maybe it's just because we think there are plenty of great schools in the United States, but really, why does Lahiri favor Harvard and MIT so much?