Awe and Amazement Quotes in Into Thin Air

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Everest was so different from anything I'd previously climbed that my powers of imagination were insufficient for the task. (4.24)

To be honest, Everest isn't that tough of a climb. Though the ascent is long and tiring, there are no steep cliffs to vault or death-defying leaps to be made. The truly awe-inspiring thing about Everest isn't its difficulty, but its sheer height.

Quote #5

The Icefall […] had a surprising allure as well. As dawn washed the darkness from the sky, the shattered glacier was revealed to be a three-dimensional landscape of phantasmal beauty. (6.26)

That's so weird—"Three-Dimensional Landscape of Phantasmal Beauty" also happens to be our favorite Salvador Dali painting. Jokes aside, it's amazing how quickly the Icefall—a veritable deathtrap—transforms from a hall of horrors into a little slice of heaven. But Krakauer shouldn't let his guard down just yet: As he'll learn, looks can be deceiving.

Quote #6

Now, for the first time on the expedition the vista was primarily sky rather than earth. (10.17)

This is a big moment. Although he has but a few hours to sit back and enjoy this view before continuing his long trudge up the mountain, Krakauer is happy for what little he can get.