Jamestown Quotes

Jamestown Quotes

They Said It

"A more damned crew hell never vomited."

- Virginia Company treasurer George Sandys on the quality of the settlers at Jamestown in 162319

"For feature, countenance, and proportion, (Pocahontas) much exceedeth any of the rest of his people, but for wit and spirit, the only nonpareil of his country."

- John Smith describing Powhatan's daughter, Pocahontas20

"Here! Shoot me, foregod, fair mark shoot!"

- Virginia Governor William Berkeley as he confronted Nathaniel Bacon and his band of 500 rebels, June 22nd, 167622

"Deeply stained with dirt; soiled dirty, foul. [...] Having dark or deadly purposes, malignant; pertaining to or involving death, deadly; baneful, disastrous, sinister. [...] Foul, iniquitous, atrocious, wicked."

- The meaning of "Black" in the 16th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary23

"My Master Atkins hath sold me for £150 sterling like a damned slave." 

- White indentured servant Thomas Best on Virginia's unusual labor practices, 162321