Jamestown Statistics

Jamestown Statistics

By the Numbers

Number of people settled in Jamestown in 1607: 105
Number of Jamestown settlers alive after the first winter: 38
Number of settlers sent to Jamestown between 1607 and 1624: 6,000
Population of Jamestown in 1625: 1,2001

Average age of death in Virginia between 1637 and 1664: 482

Price of one pound of tobacco in 1625: 3 shillings (36 pennies)
Price of one pound of tobacco in 1630: 1 penny3

Estimated number of Africans in Virginia in 1619: 20
Estimated number of Africans in Virginia in 1649: 3004
Estimated number of Africans in Virginia in 1674: 1,500 to 2,5005
Estimated number of slaves in Virginia in 1700: 13,000
Estimated number of slaves in Virginia in 1720: 27,0006

Proportion of English import income generated by piracy during the 1590s: 10%7