Johnny Tremain Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What relationship are you to me? What ought I to call you?"

She laughed out loud. "Mercy, I don't know. What am I? Why, I suppose I'm sort of a cousin—but you'd better call me Aunt. Aunt Lavinia."

He said it tentatively.

"Aunt Lavinia?"

You couldn't even secretly have a romantic passion for an aunt. The queer hold she had had on him for a year snapped.

She went to Johnny, stretched out a hand, and touched the widow's peak—all that he had ever got from the beautiful Vinny Lyte. Then she was gone. (11.4.64-69)

Lavinia Lyte is finally taking Johnny seriously, and then he finds out they really are related. Okay, so it was cool to marry your cousins in the eighteenth century, but an aunt? The narrator plays it cool, but we're pretty sure Johnny is just kind of grossed out right about now.