Joseph Andrews Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The squire and all the horsemen were so suprized with her beauty, that they immediately fixed both their eyes and thoughts solely on her, every one declaring he had never seen so charming a creature. (3.6.10)

We told you Fanny makes an impression. She seems to cast the same spell on men that Joseph casts on women. Do any of these guys—Joseph aside—really care who Fanny is, though? Or do they just want her because she's hot?

Quote #8

It was almost morning when Joseph Andrews, whose eyes the thoughts of his dear Fanny had opened, as he lay fondly meditating on that lovely creature […]. (3.9.1)

Joseph definitely isn't immune to Fanny's charms, even after all this time. Now here's a question: would Joseph want Fanny if she were fugz? Even if she had a good heart? How about vice-versa?

Quote #9

She no sooner saw Joseph, than her cheeks glow'd with red, and immediately after became as totally pale. (4.1.1)

That's a whole range of colors. Lady Booby is so into Joseph that she's physically affected by his presence.