Joseph Andrews Charity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Volume.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I am hastening to the assistance of some poor creature whom some villains are murdering. (2.9.2)

Look at that: Adams is the type of guy who reacts instantly to a bad situation by offering charity. He may be a born and bred intellectual, but he acts from the heart. Even at his most ridiculous, we can't laugh too hard at Adams, given that he's a good guy despite his shortcomings.

Quote #5

I have often wondered, sir, said Joseph, to observe so few instances of charity among mankind […]. (3.6.1)

Joseph is practically having a revelation. He's always been concerned with doing the right thing, but now he's realizing that others don't have that same impulse.

Quote #6

Adams answered, that riches without charity were nothing worth; for that they were only a blessing to him who made them a blessing to others. (3.13.1)

Lest you think Adams is being a hypocrite, remember that time where he gave up his last shilling to a stranger? Okay, well, he would have given up his last shilling if he hadn't lost it—but it's the thought that counts.