Julie of the Wolves Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm talking wolf! I'm talking wolf!" Miyax clapped, and tossing her head like a pup, crawled in a happy circle. (1.65)

Not only is Miyax proud of herself for this awesome feat, she's totally stoked because it means she has a chance at survival. And it's all thanks to her awesome observation skills and resourcefulness.

Quote #5

"Ee-lie!" she gasped. "You do understand. And that scares me." (1.70)

Wait a minute, we're confused. Why is Miyax scared that Kapu understands her? That fact should fall squarely in the win column, right?

Quote #6

The signal went off. It sped through his body and triggered emotions of love. Amaroq's ears flattened and his tail wagged in friendship. He could not react in any other way to the chin pat, for the roots of this signal lay deep in wolf history. It was inherited from generations and generations of leaders before him. (1.80-3)

Wolf language, like any other language, has its roots deep in history. What's so cool about this moment is that Miyax, a young human, manages to tap into that history and become a part of it.