Julie of the Wolves Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Judith snickered. "That's a charm bracelet," she said. Rose giggled and both laughed derisively. Julie felt the blood rush to her face as she met, for the first but not the last time, the new attitudes of the Americanized Eskimos. She had much to learn besides reading. That night she threw her i'noGo tied away. (2.47)

What a sad moment. Frankly, we'd rather have a handmade i'noGo tied than a store-bought charm bracelet. But then again, we're not a young Eskimo girl just trying to fit in. Maybe we should cut Julie some slack.

Quote #8

The old ways are best. (2.59 and 2.63)

Martha says this to Julie as a way of insulting her new and modern friend Judith. But then, a few pages later, Julie turns these words around on Martha. Oh snap.

Quote #9

The Eskimos lifted their arms and turned their palms to the source of all life. Slowly, without any self-consciousness, every gussak raised his arms, too. Not one person snickered at the old Eskimo tradition. (2.109)

Here's a rare moment when Eskimo tradition finds a comfortable place in the modern world. After months of no sun, you'd have to be crazy not to raise your arms in thanks and wonder.