Kindred Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We could hurt each other too badly, kill each other too quickly in hatred. He was like a younger brother to me. (4.15.20)

Dana feels a family connection to Rufus, even though she hates everything he stands for. It would be nice if she could help raise him to be a good person, but Dana knows that she would be fighting the entire world to make this happen.

Quote #5

"It's good to have children […] Good to have sons. But it's so hard to see them be slaves." (5.5.2)

Nigel loves having a family and having children. But he also feels sad that his children are going to grow up to be slaves. It becomes a tough decision to have a family at all in this case because you feel like you're dooming any new person you bring into the world.

Quote #6

I remembered suddenly the way he used to talk to his mother. If he couldn't get what he wanted from her gently, he stopped being gentle. Why not? She always forgave him. (5.6.85)

Dana can see a connection between Rufus' expectations of the world and the way his mother treats him. Rufus has learned from his mom that the world will give him anything he wants, and he gets violent when he doesn't get it.