Kindred Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I burned the stable once […] I wanted Daddy to give me Nero—a horse I liked […] Daddy already has a lot of money. Anyway, I got mad and burned down the stable." (2.2.99)

Rufus has learned from a young age that whenever he doesn't get something he wants, he can let off some steam by acting out in violent ways. This kind of behavior is exactly what makes him such a horrible person to deal with when he grows into an adult and has power over others.

Quote #5

Tom Weylin had probably marked his son more than he knew with that whip. (2.4.33)

Dana knows that Tom Weylin has used his whip on his son before. But the man probably doesn't realize how much long-term emotional damage he's doing to his son. In the end, all he's doing is creating a person who will one day grow up to be a violent man like himself.

Quote #6

"I never thought you'd be fool enough to let a man beat you." (4.2.41)

Dana's cousin thinks that Kevin has been beating Dana, and she's disappointed when she hears Dana deny it. She had always hoped Dana would be a strong enough person to get rid of an abusive husband.