Kramer vs. Kramer Scene 2 Summary

  • Ted shoves the suitcase Joanna forgot back in the closet without unpacking it.
  • Ted calls Joanna's friend Margaret to see if Joanna's there. She's not. He explains that they had a fight a couple hours ago, but Joanna left her suitcase, so she's not going to get very far (because the clothes she packed are the only clothes in the entire world that fit her, apparently).
  • The doorbell rings. Ted thinks its Joanna. "It's about time," he grouses.
  • Nope, it's Margaret, who lives in their building.
  • Ted's ticked. He tells Margaret that he knows Joanna complains about him to her. Also? He's got a ton of work to do on that important account Jim mentioned. Today was going to be one of the five best days of his life until Joanna ruined it for him.
  • Margaret sarcastically says she's sorry that Joanna messed up one of the five best days of his life.
  • Then she says Joanna was super-unhappy. Ted tries to blame Joanna's decision on Margaret and her husband, Charley, splitting up. Then he blames it on "the sisterhood." We're going to assume he means the women's movement and not some secret, Skulls-like society.
  • Margaret says it took guts for Joanna to leave Ted. Ted asks her how much guts it takes to leave her kid.
  • Touché.