The Left Hand of Darkness The Other Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] so I had nothing with me except the ship and ansible, my box of pictures, the indubitable peculiarity of my body, and the unprovable singularity of my mind. The pictures passed around the table, and were examined with the noncommittal expression you see on the faces of people looking at pictures of somebody else's family. (10.29)

As if to prove the above quote, Orgoreyn Commensals seems to look at Ai as if he's a specimen in a jar. You even get the sense they wouldn't mind sticking him in a cage and charging admission fees.

Quote #8

He gave me Ashe's money as one would give a hired assassin his fee. I have not often been so angry, and I insulted him deliberately. (11.8)

Not only are Ai and Estraven Others in Gethen society, but they're Others to each other…yeah that made sense. Anyway, if they're going to accomplish their mission, that's going to have to change.

Quote #9

But where there is no desire and no shame no one, however anomalous, is singled out; and I think Asra made no connection of this notion with myself and my peculiarities. (13.60)

Although Ai is different from everybody, the prison is a place of a hard and painful life. This trumps any differences as the prisoners must work together to survive.