Like Water for Chocolate Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Understood, my general." (5, 300)

Juan, captain of the rebel forces, not only Gertrudis's lover but a smart enchilada; he knows not to cross a woman like Mama Elena.

Quote #5

They fell prisoner to a childlike fear of maternal authority. (5, 309)

That's what we like to call Mamachismo—she'll keep you down, control you, and stop you from looting her ranch.

Quote #6

This woman desperately needed a man to quench the red-hot fire that was raging inside her. (3, 190)

Well, of course, isn't that what all women need? A man to make them calmer, more docile, more controllable. Excuse us while we go snicker…