Like Water for Chocolate Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Children shouldn't be away from their mothers." (4, 262)

What about the men, huh? Don't children need fathers? We think this pillar of Machismo not only is unfair, it's not wholly true.

Quote #8

"The man who picked me up in the field in effect saved my life." (7, 429)

Gertrudis, speaking of Juan to Tita. Sure, they made love, but how exactly did he save her life, we gotta wonder? Would she have exploded? Caught fire?

Quote #9

"You know how men are. They all say they won't eat off a plate that isn't clean." (7, 473)

Yeah, those hombres. A clever way of saying men only want to be with virgins.