Guilt and Blame Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The guard died because of you," [Andrew] said. (4.259)

When Sarah refuses to let Little Bee and her sister be taken by the killers on the beach in Nigeria, one of the killers shoots the hotel guard who's trying to get Sarah and Andrew back into the compound. Ironically, Andrew blames Sarah for the death. Of course, he's probably reacting out of shock, rather than a clear assessment of the very bizarre situation he's suddenly found himself in.

Quote #5

My body betraying me, blushing from my ankles to the crown of my head. (6.158)

When Andrew meets Sarah with Lawrence at a party, she reveals the affair through her body's reactions. There's something a little "The Tell-Tale Heart" (thank our friend Mr. Poe for that one) about this moment.

Quote #6

"I'm not ashamed of my adultery, Sarah. I'm ashamed of my f***ing cover story." (6.231)

Lawrence considers himself a "loser," but he definitely doesn't waste his time feeling guilty about spending time at Sarah's instead of working or being with his wife and kids.