Friendship Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Jake was tolerant of the cowboys but careful to keep himself a bit apart from them. (17.22)

As isolated as Captain Call seems, he has Gus. Jake Spoon seems friendly with everyone, but he doesn't actually have friends.

Quote #5

"You don't know how to live. […] I've lived about a hundred to your one. I'll be a little riled if I end up being the one to die in the line of duty, because this ain't my duty and it ain't yours, either." (25.47)

This is the type of real talk that can only occur between friends. We have to wonder if Call remembers this conversation after Gus does die. Gus dies on a cattle run that he only goes on because his best friend does. That fact adds a little more tragedy to Gus's death.

Quote #6

"No," Clara said. "But I'd want my children to know you. I'd want them to have your friendship." (35.32)

Clara and Gus don't just have a romantic relationship; they have a friendship that might be stronger and more important to the both of them than the romance.