A Long Way from Chicago Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The Coffee Pot was where people went to loaf, talk tall, and swap gossip. Mary Alice and I were of some interest when we dropped by because we were kin of Mrs. Dowdel's, who never set foot in the place. She said she liked to keep herself to herself, which was uphill work in a town like that. (1.9)

The thing about being in a small town is that everyone knows each other—and they all talk about each other constantly. There's plenty of gossip to catch up on at The Coffee Pot, which is the most hoppin' place in town.

Quote #2

"They're pulling your leg, sonny. You drop by The Coffee Pot and tell them you heard that Shotgun's being buried from my house with full honors. He'll spend his last night above ground in my front room, and you're invited." (1.54)

Even though Grandma is rarely involved in all the gossip and hoopla around town, she decides to host Shotgun Cheatham's wake at her house. This surprises just about everyone because they all know how much Grandma likes to keep to herself.

Quote #3

The story of Shotgun Cheatham's last night above ground kept The Coffee Pot Cafe fully engaged for the rest of our visit that summer. It was a story that grew in the telling in one of those little towns where there's always time to ponder all the different kinds of truth. (1.87)

The great thing about the story of Shotgun Cheatham's wake (and how Grandma shot him after he moved in the coffin) is that it's one of those tall tales that will inevitably get passed around town for years to come—until it takes on a mythical quality.