A Long Way from Chicago Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I'd have bet money Grandma wouldn't let Mrs. Wilcox in for a quick look, let alone overnight. But of course Grandma was putting on the best show possible to pull wool over the reporter's eyes. (1.63)

Grandma might find Effie Wilcox insanely annoying and gossipy, but she's not going to let that bad blood get in the way of her ruse. She'll tolerate Mrs. Wilcox if it means that she can give the reporter the best show (and story) ever at Shotgun Cheatham's wake.

Quote #2

Quicker than it takes to tell, Grandma was back, and already raised to her aproned shoulder was the twelve-gauge Winchester from behind the woodbox. She swung it wildly around the room, skimming Mrs. Wilcox's hat, and took aim at the gauze that draped the yawning coffin. Then she squeezed off a round. (1.79)

Unlike everyone else in the house, Grandma isn't spooked by the moving gauze over the coffin. She just gets on up, grabs her rifle, and fires right into the coffin—because she's a woman of action, and not one who gets frozen by fear.

Quote #3

The cat in the coffin gave Grandma Dowdel her chance. She didn't seem to have any time for Effie Wilcox, whose tongue flapped at both ends, but she had even less for newspaper reporters who think your business is theirs. Courtesy of the cat, she'd fired a round, so to speak, in the direction of each. (1.86)

Grandma has her reasons for firing into the coffin—she wants to put both Effie Wilcox and the reporter in their place. And she'll go so far as shooting up a corpse if it means that she can teach them a lesson about nosing around in other people's business.