A Long Way from Chicago Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mary Alice pitched a fit. It meant another week of summer vacation away from her friends, Beverly and Audrey. Besides, she said she wasn't over last year's visit yet. (2.2)

In true little kid fashion, Mary Alice throws a tantrum when she learns that they're going to Grandma Dowdel's for a week again. She'd much rather spend her summer vacation in Chicago with her friends.

Quote #2

"I suppose it beats starving," Aunt Puss snapped. "But hop to it, girl. Stir yer stumps."

I thought I might faint again. Nobody could talk to Grandma like that and live. (3.105-106)

Grandma Dowdel doesn't accept disrespect from anyone, so the kids are horrified to see how Aunt Puss talks to her. But, it turns out, they've known each other for so long that Grandma lets her get away with it.

Quote #3

"A starved seventeen," Mary Alice said. "And she needs a friend." Then her jaw clamped shut in Grandma's own way, and she didn't say anything else all the way home. (5.44)

Even though Mary Alice hasn't ever hung out with Vandalia (and there's a big age difference between them), she still decides to befriend the girl. After all, Vandalia needs a friend more than anyone else right now.