Looking for Alaska Chapter 17 Summary

sixty-seven days before

  • Miles is relaxing on newly dried grass and pondering American Civil War generals's last words when Takumi brings him a snack.
  • On a smoking walk in the woods, Takumi tells Miles that it was Alaska who ratted out her former roommate, Marya, and her roommate's boyfriend, Paul. Takumi figured it out through some super-sleuthing. And also because Alaska admitted it to him.
  • Oh—and the Colonel doesn't know it was Alaska who spilled the beans about Marya and Paul.
  • Takumi explains that he told Miles because he expects Miles, as a friend, to stick with his friends if he gets caught doing anything… like a prank in response to Alaska's room getting flooded.
  • Finally Miles understands why Alaska took the blame for smoking during the day at the Jury: she wanted to show her friends that they could trust her.