Looking for Alaska Themes

Looking for Alaska Themes


This ain't no innocent Toy Story friendship between Buzz and Woody, but the characters definitely value friendship equally as much in Looking for Alaska. Miles wants to leave Florida to seek his Gr...

Intimacy, Sex, and Love

Intimacy, sex, and love are complicated in Looking for Alaska. Miles both loves and lusts after Alaska, and we have a hard time figuring out, at least in the part of the story before she dies, whic...


Home for Miles in Looking for Alaska is Florida with his parents. No wait—it's at Culver Creek. No wait—it's with his friends. Miles's idea of home, like his friendships, shifts and changes bas...

Lies and Deceit

No pants on fire, but plenty of liars at the Creek in Looking for Alaska. Lying and deviousness abound at Culver Creek when it comes to pranking and breaking rules, but the most meaningful lies lie...


No one ever said Looking for Alaska was a light-hearted read, and when we see how many characters suffer and the ways in which they suffer, the weight almost seems to drag us down. Miles, whether h...


Looking for Alaska has death running through it: Miles is obsessed with last words, Alaska's mom's death is the central moment in her life, Alaska herself dies, and jokes about death are tucked in...

Life, Consciousness, and Existence

Any book that has this much death and suffering usually brings up questions about life and existence too. Both before and after Alaska dies (but mostly after), Miles ponders what has happened to he...


Even though we never know what Alaska chose in the moments before her death, we get to see how a lot of characters make choices or choose inaction… and how inaction is a choice in itself. Miles e...


The teenagers at Culver Creek drink. A lot. But the drinking doesn't just happen for fun, and in its most innocent use, alcohol in Looking for Alaska is tied to breaking the rules and getting away...

Rules and Order

Left foot, right foot… in Looking for Alaska,Culver Creek operates on a strict rules and order basis. There's a social order, there are clear consequences when students break the rules, and even...