Love in the Time of Cholera Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

That is how they were:  they spent their lives proclaiming their proud origins, the historic merits of the city, the value of its relics, its heroism, its beauty, but they were blind to the decay of the years.  Dr. Juvenal Urbino, on the other hand, loved it enough to see it with the eyes of truth.  (3.13)

For Dr. Urbino, love isn't something that's reserved for people.  His love for his city is one of the driving forces of his life.

Quote #8

"Love is the only thing that interests me," he said.

"The trouble," his uncle said to him, "is that without river navigation there is no love."  (4.10-11)

His uncle's words are a reminder to Florentino that people need to worry about more than just love – they have to take care of practical side of life in order to survive.  Not that Florentino pays any attention to his advice…

Quote #9

He did not even ask his new clients any questions, because all he had to do was look at the whites of their eyes to know what their problem was, and he could write page after page of uncontrolled love, following the infallible formula of writing as he thought about Fermina Daza and nothing but Fermina Daza.  (4.21)

Does it seem strange that Florentino is able to relate to so many other lovers because of his experience in loving Fermina?  Is romantic love always the same?