Macbeth Character Quotes


Macbeth Character Quotes

Macbeth Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Shakespeare may have asked it first, but Stephen Schwartz set it to music: "Are people born wicked, or do they have wickedness thrust upon them"? Is M...

Lady Macbeth Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) The Macbeths are the original power couple: where her husband is a courageous, skillful warrior, she's charming, attractive, and completely devoted...

Duncan Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Duncan is the King of Scotland, but he might as well be your dad. We should all be so lucky: he's kind, generous, benevolent, and just a little weepie...

Malcolm Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Malcolm is elder son of King Duncan and newly appointed Prince of Cumberland, i.e. next in line to be King of Scotland. But when we first meet him, he...

Banquo Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Like Macbeth, Banquo was a general in King Duncan's army. Unlike Macbeth, Banquo never committed regicide. But are these the only differences between...

Macduff Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) In a game of Marry, Date, or Dump, we'd dump Macbeth (duh); date Malcolm (nice boy, but too many responsibilities) and marry Macduff. He's a loyal Sco...

Weird Sisters (the Witches) Quotes

(Click the character infographic to download.) Like Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen twins pre-2004, the three weird sisters never appear apart, and they're always talking over and with each other—so w...