Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He clad his soul in armor by means of happening hilariously in at a mission church where a man composed his sermons of "yous." (4.3)

Jimmie laughs in the face of piety. The preacher may be doing everything he can to appeal to the people by directing his sermon at them, but he's still totally ignored.

Quote #5

"You are damned," said the preacher. And the reader of sounds might have seen the reply go forth from the ragged people: "Where's our soup?" (4.6)

In short, these folks don't give a hoot if they are damned. In their defense, when your stomach is empty, nothing else matters.

Quote #6

Momentarily, Jimmie was sullen with thoughts of a hopeless altitude where grew fruit. His companion said that if he should ever meet God he would ask for a million dollars and a bottle of beer. (4.8)

Jimmie barely allows himself to dream of living in a place of beauty, and his companion only wants money and alcohol. This is a rare glimpse of Jimmie's otherwise hardened soul.