Main Street Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Main Street? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the name of the local handyman who's known as a crank and a dangerous thinker to most people in Gopher Prairie?

Miles Bjornstam
Erik Valbourg
Nat Hicks
Thorstein Veblen
Q. What's the name of Carol's first maid?

Q. Which type of people does Carol prefer to the townsfolk?

The people from St. Paul
The hermits
The farmers
The communists
Q. Who acts like a big sister to Carol?

Lucy Montgomery
Vida Sherwin
Maureen Dyer
Coleman Hawkins
Q. What's the name of the reading club that Carol fails to improve?

Librarians' Club
Thanatopsis Club
Lions Club