Major Barbara Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Major Barbara.

Morality Quotes

I really cannot bear an immoral man. I am not a Pharisee, I hope; and I should not have minded his merely doing wrong things: we are none of us perfect. But your father didn't exactly do wrong thin...

Gender Quotes

Stephen: may I ask how soon you intend to realize that you are a grown-up man, and that I am only a woman? (1.15)

War/Violence Quotes

You see, Stephen, your father must be fabulously wealthy, because there is always a war going on somewhere. (1.39)

Wealth/Poverty Quotes

My dear Stephen: where is the money to come from? It is easy enough for you and the other children to live on my income as long as we are in the same house; but I can't keep four families in four s...

Society and Class Quotes

It's not pleasant for me, either, especially if you are still so childish that you must make it worse by a display of embarrassment. It is only in the middle classes, Stephen, that people get into...

Hypocrisy Quotes

LADY BRITOMART [squaring herself at him rather aggressively]: Stephen: may I ask how soon you intend to realize that you are a grown-up man, and that I am only a woman? STEPHEN [amazed]: Only a—L...

Power Quotes

I think, my friend, that if you wish to know, as the long days go, that to live is happy, you must first acquire money enough for a decent life, and power enough to be your own master. (2.247)

Religion Quotes

I really cannot bear an immoral man. I am not a Pharisee, I hope; and I should not have minded his merely doing wrong things: we are none of us perfect. But your father didn't exactly do wrong thin...