Matched Art & Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Even if he didn't live his story, enough of us have lives just like it. So it's true anyway." (21.39)

In case you had any doubts about what the point of fiction is, ask Ky. We're curious whether most people read fiction because they can relate it to their own lives, or if there are other reasons as well. Escapism?

Quote #8

"Back when the Hundred Committee made their selections, the Archivists knew the works that didn't get selected would become a commodity. So they saved some of them." (25.3)

Shmoopsters, the need for culture is so powerful that when taken away, there's a black market for it. How cool is that? Instead of an illegal drug trade, the Society's got an illegal poem and painting trade.

Quote #9

"They know we like to feel that things are authentic. We like to hear them breathe." (25.25)

Even though Society's "singers" are merely computer-generated voices, they're specifically created with enough imperfection to make them sound real. Does art have to be authentic to be appreciated?