Matched Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I cannot go gently now. Not even for the sake of my parents, my family. (21.79)

Protecting your family versus doing what you believe is right—it's pretty much the toughest choice anyone could have to make, are we right? Cassia's gotten to a turning point here where her path becomes clear.

Quote #8

I still invented levels and record of achievement and spent almost all my free time during those months coming up with games I thought he would like. (24.46)

Cassia's pretty much the coolest sister ever, coming up with games that Bram can play on his scribe to make school less scary. Her family's happiness is super important to her.

Quote #9

"And then when I came home again and saw all of you, I realized I had to report the truth. I had to fulfill my duty to the Society and guarantee our happiness. And keep us all safe." (27.62)

Cassia's mom is faced with the same tough choice as Cassia—doing what's right or protecting her family. Mom makes the opposite choice though, and does what Society wants in order to keep her family safe. Guilt trip much, Cassia? This moment shows us that there's often no clear right answer when it comes to family.