Matched Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I feel disgust when I think of how we climb our little hills when the Officials say the word. How we hand over our most precious items at their bidding. How we never, ever fight. (19.17)

It's true that most citizens are blindly following all the rules without a second thought. But is it true no one ever fights back? Or are there other small ways in which people in the society are rebelling?

Quote #5

I think of him risking everything each time he slips one napkin into his pocket. All these years he's been so careful, but now he's willing to take a chance. Because he's found someone who wants to know. Someone he wants to tell. (19.60)

Most acts of rebellion in Matched are motivated by love. Without love, would there be a reason to rebel? Cassia, Grandfather, Ky, and Cassia's father all rebel out of love, even when they risk their own self-preservation.

Quote #6

Even if the fall of our Society would make life better for some, it would make it worse for others. (21.61)

If rebelling against the rules and order of the Society would have a negative impact on the lives of some, do Cassia and others have the right to make this choice for them? We wonder if freedom is always the right answer at all costs, or if some may choose safety instead.