Maus: A Survivor's Tale Vladek Spiegelman Quotes

“Always Artie is nervous – so like his mother – she also was nervous.” (II.1.10)

Art’s similarity to his mother in temperament suggests that he is continuing her work. We may have lost Anja’s diaries, but Art, like Anja, wants to write down and record the Holocaust.

“So, only my little brother, Pinek, came out from the war alive … from the rest of my family, it’s nothing left, not even a snapshot.” (II.4.106)

With so many family members lost in the Holocaust, keeping a sense of continuity with one’s past is a struggle.

“I’m tired from talking, Richieu, and it’s enough stories for now.” (II.5.126)

These are Vladek’s last words, which may suggest that Art has lost the battle of the photograph (see Quote #6). On the other hand, Art dedicates Book II to Richieu and his own children, and even provides a photograph of Richieu. So, what’s that about? See our “What’s Up With The Ending?” for a more extended discussion of these lines.