Meditations Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Meditations.

Freedom and Confinement Quotes

From Severus: ... to have conceived the idea of a balanced constitution, a commonwealth based on equality and freedom of speech, and of a monarchy which values above all the liberty of the subject....

Principles Quotes

And the end for rational creatures is to follow the reason and the rule of that most venerable archetype of a governing state—the Universe. (2.16)

Good versus Evil Quotes

But I have seen that the nature of good is what is right, and the nature of evil is what is wrong; And I have reflected that the nature of the offender himself is akin to my own—not a kinship of...

Versions of Reality Quotes

'All is as thinking makes it so.' The retort made to Monimus the Cynic is clear enough: but clear too is the value of his saying, if one takes the kernel of it, as far as it is true. (2.15)

Mortality Quotes

You may leave this life at any moment: have this possibility in your mind in all that you do or say or think. Now departure from the world of men is nothing to fear, if gods exist; because they wou...

Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

The works of Fortune are not independent of Nature or the spinning and weaving together of the threads governed by Providence. All things flow from that world: and further factors are necessity and...

Duty Quotes

He does not realize that it is sufficient to concentrate solely on the divinity within himself and to give it true service. That service is to keep it uncontaminated by passion, triviality, or disc...

Change (Transience) Quotes

Now every part of nature benefits from that which is brought by the nature of the Whole and all which preserves that nature: and the order of the universe is preserved equally by the changes in the...

Identity Quotes

Similarly the ears of corn nodding down to the ground, the lion's puckered brow, the foam gushing from the boar's mouth, and much else besides—looked at in isolation these things are far from lov...

Time Quotes

It follows that the longest and the shortest lives are brought to the same state. The present moment is equal for all; so what is passing is equal also; the loss therefore turns out to be the meres...