Meridian Chapter 25 Summary


  • Lynne breaks into her old house in Tennessee, eager to reclaim whatever happiness she lost. She's eating some food ("oranges, three apples, a triangle of cheese") that she had bought at a nearby Jewish delicatessen (2.25.6).
  • She used to visit the delicatessen frequently when she was with Truman. Back then, she could always feel the judging eyes of the Jewish shopkeepers who resented her for being friends with black people.
  • Lynne wakes up and we're back where we started, with Meridian and Lynne sitting together in Meridian's small shack.
  • Lynne tells Meridian that "Black folks aren't so special" (2.25.15). Meridian, jokingly, says that no one is perfect—except, of course, white women.