Meridian Theme of Women and Femininity

Hey ladies! Do you like having the right to choose your own path in life? Do you enjoy spending time with male friends without being objectified by them? Do you have big dreams that you are working harder than Hilary Clinton to obtain? Well, consider yourself lucky—the world portrayed in Meridian is one where women are constantly misled, mistreated, and denied the opportunities they rightly deserve. Even progressive political activists don't treat women with respect. Although it portrays a world you probably don't want to live in, Meridian is a valuable read because it reveals to us all of the subtle ways that misogyny influences our everyday lives.

Questions About Women and Femininity

  1. In what ways does pop culture affect the women of the novel?
  2. Does Truman ever overcome his misogyny? Why or why not?
  3. How is sexuality used to oppress women?
  4. How do Meridian and Anne-Marion break the mold of the "Saxon girl"? Explain.

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

In the novel, pop culture is revealed to be a tool through which misogynistic values are transmitted to the youth.

Meridian reveals an unfortunate truth—that even men who are intelligent, politically aware, and progressively minded can hold outdated opinions about the role of women in society.