Meridian Resources


Alice Walker's Garden

Want to learn more about Walker's other work and read blog posts direct from the author herself? Take a stroll with us in Alice Walker's Garden.

Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement

This site is a great resource for first-hand accounts of the Civil Rights Movement.

Articles and Interviews

A Talk with Yes Magazine

In this wide-reaching interview, Walker gives insight into the real-life experiences that inspired Meridian. Like Meridian, she once stood down a tank. For real.

An Interview with Alice Walker

Although this chat focuses on The Color Purple, Walker discusses many biographical details that might interest readers of Meridian.

Alice Walker Addresses Her Critics

Want to read a no-holds barred discussion on Walker's writing process? The click will set you free!


Alice Walker Reads Sojourner Truth

Sojourner Truth was a ground-breaking civil rights activist and feminist, most know today for her famous speech "Ain't I a Woman?" Watch Alice Walker read it!

Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth

Ah—nothing like a classic PBS documentary to soothe the soul. It's like a bowl of chicken noodle soup on a rainy day.

Profile: Alice Walker

Looking for your daily dose of motivation? We've got you covered.


Alice Walker Pens Poems for Hard Times

In this brief chat with NPR, Walker discusses her approach to writing and goals for her work.

Castaway: Alice Walker

In this fun spin on the party game "Desert Island," Walker lists the books and music that she wouldn't be able to live without.


The Serpent Mound

This massive man-made mound from Ohio looks similar to Walker's description of the "Sacred Serpent."

Andrew Goodman, James Earl Chaney, and Michael Schwerner

This is the Missing Person's Poster for three civil rights workers who were murdered in Mississippi in 1964. In Meridian, this event prompts Truman and Lynne to move to the state.