Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I may have been dressed as a falcon, but I'll tell you what. I felt like the biggest Thanksgiving turkey in the world. (40.32)

It's tough asking a pretty girl out…then getting rejected. Rafe thinks that he and Jeanne might have a little connection, but she doesn't see things that way. Plus, he happens to be dressed in a giant bird costume which makes it a whole lot more humiliating. That'll hit you right in the feels.

Quote #8

The next forty-five minutes in that office was about as much fun as a day at Disneyworld— when it's pouring rain. And all there is to eat are hot-dog buns. And you get electrocuted on the rides. (47.5)

Way to make Disneyworld sound depressing, Rafe. He's just gotten in a fight with Miller and Mom has been called in to discuss his poor behavior (and his grades) and what can be done. In Rafe's defense—Miller is the worst and totally deserved it.

Quote #9

At least when I was playing Operation R.A.F.E., I had some fun while I was being miserable.

Hmmm… miserable and fun? Or miserable and no fun? You tell me. (48.4-5)

The kid has a point. He's been trying pretty hard to do the right thing—well, he's been trying kind of hard at least. Maybe he should go back to all that rule breaking? At least he wasn't totally bummed all the time.