Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It feels as honest as the day is crummy that I begin this tale of total desperation and woe with me, my pukey sister, Georgia, and Leonardo the Silent sitting like rotting sardines in the back of a Hills Village Police Department cruiser.

Now, there's a pathetic family portrait you don't want to be a part of, believe me. More on the unfortunate Village Police incident later. I need to work myself up to tell you that disaster story.

This is a pretty intense opening paragraph…and a really good way to get the reader hooked. (We're all gluttons for punishment.)

Quote #2

The good news? Given the way things had started off, I
figured middle school could only get better from here.

The bad news? I was wrong about the good news. (2.29-30)

Wow. So, after his encounter with the biggest bully in school—Miller the Killer—Rafe finds out that there is no good news. Middle school is going to be torture. Awesome.

Quote #3

HELP! That's what I was thinking about then. Middle school had just started, and they were already trying to bore us to death. Please, somebody stop Mrs. Stricker before she kills again! (5.13)

We feel Rafe's pain here. Is Mrs. Stricker seriously going to read the enter Hills Village Middle School Code of Conduct out loud? Our brains our melting just thinking of how boring this must be.