Missing May Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And while I stood in front of a beautiful window, looking out at the capitol lawn with its pigeons and squirrels and pretty women walking together and laughing, Ob would stand beside me and rest his palm against the back of my head as he used to when I was a little girl. (11.10)

It sure is nice for Summer to feel like a kid again. Although most twelve-year-olds would probably be muttering Whatever… under their breaths and going off to reapply their lip gloss at this point, Summer needs to feel like she has a parent. She happily accepts Ob's hand.

Quote #8

But for every bit of life I cried away, Ob held me hard against him and he put more life back in me. (11.21)

Even though they've both been drowning in their grief, Uncle Ob and Summer find comfort in each other. Their love for each other (and Aunt May's love for them) is the only thing that can get them through this dark time.

Quote #9

When Ob and me met you, honey, you was such a shy thing. Them big ol' eyes of yours looking like a puppy begging for love. (11.25)

Aunt May and Uncle Ob immediately recognize Summer's need for love when they first see her. And instead of ignoring it or pushing her away like everyone else, they decide that they're going to be the ones to fulfill it.