Missing May Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ob talked about what a good wife May was and all the sweet things she'd done for him—for us—while she was living. (5.5)

Poor Uncle Ob—he wants so badly to talk to Aunt May and tell her how much he loves her. He'll believe in anything in order to keep that dream alive.

Quote #5

How you can see in someone's face that he feels completely safe, and full of power and love, and suddenly things between you become so easy. Cletus was home, and he didn't need to be crazy at all. (8.13)

When Summer comes to Cletus's house, she can see just how much his parents love him and realizes that maybe she was wrong to treat him with such disdain. After all, how could she hate someone who's so adored by these sweet old people? They're practically Keebler Elves.

Quote #6

My own quietness, I think it came from peace. Nothing needed doing in that car. Ob was beside me and safe. Cletus behind us content. (9.14)

All that Summer needs to be happy is to know that her loved ones are safe and peaceful. She doesn't need anything for herself—she just wants to see that Uncle Ob is no longer suffering.